Monday, August 4, 2008

More hiking pics (Stacy's first blogging attempt)


Steph said she could cross off a location from her "Places to see in the world" list. We really enjoyed our time being refreshed by the outdoors.


Superman up in the mountains


Shaun left this one out of his original post, but I had to add it in. I like how he managed to get the whole waterfall in the shot. It was so loud with the roar of the water, but peaceful at the same time.


The weather changes so quickly in the mountains.. as Shaun said we headed down with the first crack of thunder. It wasn't because we were tired or anything :/ yeah, thunder.. that's it.


Lenny said...

Photos didn't work...

Lori McCaffrey said...

Hey Stacy and Shaun! I can't believe you guys are living in Denver. It must be the next logically step for Plattsburgh grads. Looks like you're having a great time hiking and being all outdoorsy. If I find my way out there (which I hope to do soon), I'll let you know so we can be outdoorsy together.

Shaun said...

What the?!? BLOG FAIL.. I swear it was there before! I blame Shaun since he showed me how. BOOO. Thus ends my very short blogging career. I shall leave the blogging to better bloggers like Shaun and Lenny.