Tuesday, July 15, 2008

My Birthday and some

My birthday was on Friday, July 11th. Lenny and I rode throughout the city for about 15-20 miles and then ate some lunch. Stacy got home from work at 5:30pm and we went to eat Chili Relenos at Benny's. The food is damn good. Stacia and Lenny met us there. Stacia got us hooks for our keys - since we can never find them. A fantastic gift - if only she had given us the gift a day earlier (Stacy lost her keys on Thursday). Lenny gave me a gift card at REI, perhaps the greatest store on Earth. Afterwards, we went to the hi-dive for a comedy show.

On the next day, Stacy took me to the Renaissance festival (which is where we took the above picture). We showed up at 11am to watch the first Joust of the day. We grabed some medieval looking turkey legs and ate fatty meat as knights fought each other.

I felt a little sick after and thought that maybe Christina might be right about the whole not-eating-meat thing. Still, it was super fun.It reminded me of the trips I used to go on with my mom.Also, there were some pretty sweet siege weapons (reminiscent of AOEII).

On Sunday, Stacy played kickball and I read a book. We rode our bikes around a bunch and then went to sleep.

Yesterday, Lenny and I rode from Golden to Lookout road and up some more. The ride was about 10 miles. I was dead after. It was a tough climb.This link describes some of the trail, but we did another 3 miles. We did the section that most riders avoid (because the climb is really hard). The elevation gain is about 1,900 feet. Link.

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